Let me introduce myself. I have been a model railroader since long before I can remember. I am also fortunate enough that my wife and family are as active as I am in this great hobby. Deb and I are both life members of the NMRA and our family models in multiple scales. We are currently most active in Large Scale with our SJR&P railroad. We also model in both N and HO scale and have won numerous awards for our Brockwayville PA HO scale module. Our favorite prototype is the Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway. This railroad was famous for its large steam (both 2-8-8-2 and 2-6-6-2 locomotives) and the way it kept its equipment and right of way in pristine shape. The fact that Deb's grandfather headed up the railroad's PR department also helped in the selection of the railroad. I hope to put some of my favorite photos of the BR&P on this site later in the fall.
In 1992, I spearheaded the creation of the NMRA DCC Standards and Recommended Practices. As original Chairman of the NMRA/DCC Working Group I also took the task of editor for all of the original NMRA DCC Standards and Recommended Practices. A large job but well worth the effort. Having completed my tenure as chair of the DCC working group I was asked to spearhead the revitalization of the NMRA Conformance & Inspection Committee. I chaired this committee until my wife decided to form a formal business relationship with Lenz GmbH to manage the Lenz Agency of North American. To avoid even the appearance of any possible conflict of interest, I resigned immediately upon her establishing this business relationship. My wife also owns and manages Tried & True Trains a model railroad business, which has a wholesale side, a retail side as well as a service side and thus has business relationships with several other model railroad manufacturers. Having a wife who is both an active modeler as well as being active in the Model Railroad industry, has its advantages and also its disadvantages. While I do my best not to let her business relationships influence my opinions, her business relationships nevertheless exist, which is why I avoid placing myself in a position where a conflict could occur. Currently I remain active in the DCC community assisting any and all DCC manufacturers who desire assistance. I have always tried to remain vender neutral and supportive to the entire industry and will try to continue to do so.
I have just completed co-authoring a book on DCC intended for both basic and advanced users. The book was signed by all major DCC manufacturers and DCC working group members who worked hard to bring you NMRA DCC. The hobby is evolving and I hope you get as much pleasure out of it as I have.
Stan Ames
by Stan Ames, Rutger Friberg & Ed Loizeaux
Do you have questions about DCC? Are you confused about what's available or how to install DCC on your layout?
Do you want an impartial explanation of DCC, an understanding on how best to use it and an understanding of what is commercially available?
Allt om Hobby Publishing Company in co-operation with The National Model Railroad Association are pleased to announce the release of its new book "DIGITAL COMMAND CONTROL - the comprehensive guide to DCC".
The book is for all of you who want to start with the technology, but need to know more. All the basic concepts are provided in an easy to read format complete with loads of illustrations and photos. For those already using DCC, the book can help you with questions and maximize your DCC investments. This book covers terminology, concepts, installing DCC on your layout, decoder installations, creative uses for decoder functions, using accessory decoders for advanced operation, commercial NMRA DCC systems, a buyers checklist, a comprehensive listing of decoders and available DCC software, and on top of that provides a lot of helpful tips.
The book is written by three members of the NMRA DCC Working Group; Stan Ames, Rutger Friberg and Ed Loizeaux, with the assistance of the entire NMRA DCC community. The aim is to provide the readers a thorough knowledge about DCC and explain it in an easy way in order to make the technology understood by everyone.
Suggested retail price $ 18.75
The book is published by
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In co-operation with the National Model Railroad Association.
Copyright 1998 by the Author
Last updated: September 7, 1998.